Punjab Board of Technical Education Lahore PBTE

Punjab Board of Technical Education was established in 1971 after the separation of West Pakistan Board of Technical Education which was established in 1962. The aim of PBTE is to provide better technical facilities to the certificate and diploma level students of vocational, technical, commerce and computer filed in the province of Punjab. All the technical public and private institutes which offer DAE, D.Com, DIT and other such education are affiliated with PBTE. Every year, thousands of students from these institutes participate in the technical exams conducted by PBTE.
All these technical and vocational institutes affiliated with PBTE start the new academic year according to the schedule based on the time of organization of exams by PBTE. The admission and registration process by these institutes start two or three months before the start of the academic year and it completes within time.
PBTE changes the examination syllabus and paper pattern of all the disciplines almost every year. Due to this reason, the Punjab Technical Board issues the model papers for the guidance of students as these model papers are made according to the latest changes adopted by the board. Apart from that, the students can also know about the important questions that are expected to come in the exams by using past papers. Model papers can be downloaded from the official site of the board while past papers are available from the market.
Various certificate and diploma courses have different examination schedule under PBTE. PBTE issues date sheets of exams two months before the start of the exams while roll numbers are mailed to the students one month before the star of the exams. Date sheets can be seen and downloaded from the website of PBTE while the board sends roll number slips through mail to the respective institutes of students.
After two or three months of the exams, PBTE announces the results of the exams which are available from the official site of the board soon after the result announcement. Within few days of the result, the students also receive the results at their institutes which are mailed by PBTE.